I've enjoyed looking at your pictures very much! Great idea for a blog. What is your nationality if you don't mind me asking? I can tell by your writing you're not American, not by birth anyway. Are you Israeli? Leslie apartmental.blogspot.com
Hardly a show of "force" I think they're more likely concerned with that fact that those kids might be strapped up with bombs. We do the same in Iraq and Afghanistan if someone we don't know gets too close. Look back through the Hamas pictures of the suicide bombers patting the little suicide bomber on the head and put 2 and 2 together.
I've enjoyed looking at your pictures very much! Great idea for a blog. What is your nationality if you don't mind me asking? I can tell by your writing you're not American, not by birth anyway. Are you Israeli?
mdiecgreat pic yes
whats the moral...what kind of power against unarmed non combatants...neither hitler was right nor are the israelis...whats the difference ?
Hardly a show of "force" I think they're more likely concerned with that fact that those kids might be strapped up with bombs. We do the same in Iraq and Afghanistan if someone we don't know gets too close. Look back through the Hamas pictures of the suicide bombers patting the little suicide bomber on the head and put 2 and 2 together.
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